1935, 22.06.2012, proiectul legii pensiilor militar
Un document ULUITOR care arata ce „dezinteresata” este sustinerea pe care o acorda Sindicatul Cadrelor Militare Disponibilizate actualului Guvern! Ii stiti, sint baietii aceia „veseli” care apar pe la Antena 3, fac mitinguri de protest fata de Basescu etc. in frunte cu „celebrul” colonel in rezerva, dr. Mircea Dogaru. Atentie la paragraful final in care se vorbeste despre asumarea prin Ordonanta de Urgenta a acestui act normativ! So, follow the money…
John,Two small sentences in your post were profound; we should follow them not only in designing, but in life. They were:Give him the honor of taking his opinion seriously; it will free him to know if he really means it. Help him get where he wants to go. If he needs to circle back, be there when he arrives.In life, as in design, one of the hardest things to do is allow people to work things through for themselves, giving them enough space to come to a different (or the same) conclusion without feeling foolish or somehow “wrong.”
Clean Language introduces metaphors and directs attention — all language does that. Clean language is ‘clean’ because it only uses ‘universal’ metaphors (of space, time and form) which leave clients free to process, respond and answer with whatever information they consider relevant.
It’s an awesome article designed for all the online people;
they will take advantage from it I am sure.