Emisiunea integrala cu Traian Basescu, 29.04.2015

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29 de gânduri despre “Emisiunea integrala cu Traian Basescu, 29.04.2015”

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  2. she was the school receptionist. My teacher knew I was lying (from all those assignments before the fact) but never told on me. They didn’t have “take your kid to work” after that at all. Instead they had (and continue to have) career fair-style presentations and field trips for the older kids, which seems much less trauma-inducing.

  3. Paolo,Di recente la gestione dell’acqua del mio comune è passata a una società provata. Ovviamente, ora spendo il doppio di quanto spendevo prima.Non credo che per questo moriranno di sete dei bambini in africa, ma avrei preferito che l’acqua rimanesse gestita dai comuni, che non sono aziende che devono generare profitti.Gian

  4. You look fabulous! Such a good idea to make your own headband- you're right, they're all a bit generic and dull on the high street, unless you're willing to stump up extortionate amounts of course!You really remind me of the Medieval Baebes in this outfit, which I definitely mean as a HUGE compliment as I heart them lots. Went to see them in Rotherham cathedral last Christmas and they were all dressed like this, singing their arias. Gorgeous! xxx Maddie

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  7. Siempre he encontrado cierta relación anímica entre los personajes de Hopper (y los espacios que habitan, transitan y construyen) con los de Manhattan Transfer. Siguiendo con tu analogía me pregunto si existe literatura que represente Zaragoza como lo hace Pepe Cerdá.PD: soy de los que me he preguntado sobre tu intensivo aprovechamiento del tiempo, y, como padre repetidor, había llegado a la respuesta antes de leer tu postdata. Las lecturas y visionados en las madrugadas paternales son especialmente íntimas. Ya habrá tiempo para dormir.

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